Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Further cuts coming to First Energy

The news just keeps getting dimmer for our local electric giant.

An internal release to company employees says that more cuts will be announced next week:

"Severed employees will meet individually with their supervisors on July 28, along with representatives from Human Resources. They also will have the opportunity to talk to representatives from Right Management, the firm helping us with career transition consulting. Severed employees’ last day on the payroll will be August 27."
Don't yet know how any numbers .. or how these cuts will impact the Akron area, but the memo says the reductions come from the combining of its Finance office with its Strategic Planning and Operation folks.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Odds and Ends on a Thursday

Catching up ..

My first day back (Tuesday) ended with Mayor Plusquellic's Press Conference on the budget crisis. I wish I could be a fly on the wall as the five union leaders meet with city hall and with their members to find ways to cut. NO ONE wants layoffs this fall, but serious cuts are looming if enough dollars aren't caught. My jaw about hit the floor when the Mayor was asked how many employees need to take a buyout incentive to meet the goal. He responded with a reference to Summit County's incentive program, which netted about 130 or so .. and then said Akron needed "twice that many."

Mayor Plusquellic has agreed to be my live guest for a FOCUS segment of Channel 3, but we are still coordinating the details for his appearance in an upcoming news broadcast. Stay tuned.

I was amazed traveling west for vacation at how many giant wind turbines are out there. Hundreds and hundreds of windmills generating power in Nebraska, Iowa, etc. Why don't we see more of them here in NE Ohio?

I want to hear more about this racial hate crime involving a group of teens accosting a family in Firestone Park.

I'm looking forward to getting back to NewsNight Akron. Friday's show boasts Ed Esposito, Larry States, and Phil Trexler.

Finally, today's story still has me amazed. If the government can use a proactive virus to search my hard drive without me knowing it, what else can folks find? Check it out:

Monday, July 13, 2009

Back .. and ready to write!

After a three-week hiatus from all things journalism, I'm finally back .. did anything newsworthy happen other than Michael Jackson? Seems that's all I heard about during a camping trip out west with my wife and boys. One of my favorite parts was stopping at Field of Dreams in Dyersville, IA, and playing catch, hitting a few balls, and visiting the ghostly corn in the outfield (see photo).

I can't tell you how many times I came across something during the travels that made me want to write .. or inspired me to comment in some way. As a journalist, it was very, very difficult to not be working the night of the recall election. I mean, that's a BIG news night here in town.

Anyway, after 23 days off, I feel good. It's been a long time since I've felt this refreshed .. and it's a really good thing.

Returning to work at TV3 tomorrow .. and I have lots to catch up on here on the blog. Thanks for sticking with me ...