Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Forgotten Families ... work continues behind the scenes

A number of local agencies are now working behind-the-scenes to help the Karen immigrants in North Hill. I'll be reporting on their efforts after they assess what they can do and begin their operations.

I've also received quite a few nice emails from people wanting to donate food, clothes, and funds to help. When an organization tells me they're ready to receive those donations, I'll put out the info ASAP for those wishing to help.

The housing department has now finished its initial assessment of the property. Here's my followup story on the inspection for those who missed it: click here.

I'm looking forward to airing some additional stories about who these people really are, other challenges and roadblocks in their way, as well as the efforts to help them.

1 comment:

Ben said...

Its good to know people are working behind the scenes to help correct this problem.