Friday, October 19, 2007

Thanks, but really folks ..

It's so nice to get emails from people telling me how one of my most creative pieces of writing gave them a new perspective on life .. that it's something that truly made them think ... and that it's so touching they're sending my prose on to everyone in their address book.

Yep .. it feeds my ego pretty well ... if only I was the one who actually wrote it.

It's called "Eggs, Carrots and Coffee" .. and you'll find more than a dozen websites, including this one, and this one, and others sharing this great anecdote of inspiration.

Newsflash: while the author is "Eric Mansfield" .. it ain't me!!

I've received numerous emails from people across the country thanking me ... asking me when I wrote it . .and even one guy asking for my permission to use it in his literature. I even found one website that attributes the writing to "Eric Mansfield from Channel 3 News in Cleveland" .. where someone made the leap that it must have come from me.

Each time, I write back and thank them for the compliments while explaining that I didn't write it .. some other EM did.

Many months ago I blogged about the other Eric Mansfields here in the area and how I'm often mistaken for one of them. That I can handle. Yet, in this case, I haven't been able to find the actual EM who deserves the credit and I feel like he's being jipped.

I'm ready to start my own website with the complete poem .. then pay the Google to list it first while including a disclaimer that forces folks to check a box that they know and understand that I didn't write it before they're allowed to read it (kidding).

Anyway .. it's a nice problem to have I guess .. now, if I could actually write like that ...

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